Antoon Heisterkamp had to be able to drive a horse and cart properly, but today’s drivers are increasingly required to have skills in technology. The company’s IT department is the facilitator bearing the motto: technology is a tool, not an obstacle.
Trailer Trucking, One Way Trucking, Non Stop Trucking ... High Tech Trucking would not look out of place in this list. The digital highway is just as important as the asphalt highway; progress is made behind the scenes – literally. And to think that, not so long ago, we were travelling along unmade roads full of bumps such as telex, fax and handwritten daily reports. Not to mention the cobblestones paved with street guides, foldable road maps and ‘quick calls’ made from petrol stations.
Optimal performance
Developers, system administrators, business analysts, application managers and service employees may not be behind the wheel, but they are indispensable to efficient planning, smooth logistics and optimum service. The Heisterkamp IT staff works closely with clients to achieve premium performance for both drivers and equipment.

Truck simulator
Technological progress means that IT will play an even greater role in road transport in the future. Examples include driving in convoy and platooning: similar (possibly electric) trucks with the same destination driving in columns. And of course, that raises the question of whether they will be self-driving or will have their ‘driver’ sitting at a simulator in an office. The Heisterkamp technology experts are already living in the future, as it were, getting ready to ‘board’ at the right time.